
New Website and New Book!

My book is out!  It’s title is:

You can buy it on AMAZON.COM in hard cover, soft cover and Kindle. 

I've included lots of illustrations in the book, and even funny quotes that continue the themes of the stories. 

Hope to see you there!


Attitude with power

        “Sometimes, you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been, to stand up taller than you ever were.”
I read this quote today in the N&O. Ric Flair, a 68 year old professional wrestling icon, had emergency in August and came out declaring, "Naitch WILL be back." What an attitude! It just doesn't get any better than that. This man has survived a lot of wrestling matches and even survived being struck by lightning. I have a friend who survived that, and it's not for sissies!


Free ebook coming soon!

YAY! Folks are signing up to download a free e-copy of my e-book on their computers, cell phones, and Kindles. I don't know the date yet, but there will be a short window in time (maybe 3 days?) for you to go to Amazon and download it. 

"How are you going to make money if you give it away?" you ask. That's easy!  I'm hoping you'll LOVE the book ... and tell your friends to go buy it! And if you happen to feel like leaving me a review on Amazon.com, well, that would be great!


No Plants Please

The ladies asked how I like living in an apartment. Hey, I have people who change the light bulbs for me. What more can I say? A house ties you down. I can go anywhere any time. They asked if I had a pet. Hadn’t I just implied that I am anti-responsibility? I do not have a pet. I do not want a pet. I do not want a plant. I have one, but it’s okay with long droughts.


Long Distance Dating

I was talking to the ladies at the circle lunch today, some of whom know I’m dating someone who lives in Florida. I live in North Carolina. When Carol heard this, her first reaction was, “So when is he moving to Raleigh?”

People seem to think that the objective of a long distance relationship is to get married and live together, or at least to live in the same state. But we like it. We get along a lot better this way.