You must understand - I'm a sucker for puzzles. Not just jigsaw and Sudoku, but anything that needs figuring out. Like when I plan a big dinner. I figure out every detail and write it down (then I hide my list because people have been known to laugh at me). I plan which night to make the jello, when to put the watermelon in the fridge, when to thaw the chicken, what time to put the potatoes in the oven to bake, what time to cut down the heat and put the chicken in the oven and what time to cut it up again for the rolls, what time to put the casserole in the microwave, what time to get the pickles out, and when to take the butter out to soften. I just love these challenges.
So it was inevitable that I would get excited about naming the signs for a program we are planning at church. My fellow committee members don't know what's coming because they don't know me too well yet! So far I have come up with more than thirty signs. YIELD for Christ was the easy one. I've heard it before. But I got some good ones:
BUS STOP - "Wait for the Lord."
WATCH FOR FALLING ROCKS - "For I am about to fall."
SLIPPERY WHEN WET - "The law of his God is in his heart; his feet do not slip"
CAFETERIA - "Taste and see that the Lord is good."
U-TURN - "Return to me and I will return to you."
Do you want to hear more? Never mind. There's no time left. I have to go make a list of places to call about a new printer and update my To-Do list. So I'll be back to tell you another story tomorrow, as Uncle Wiggily says, "if the rooster doesn't crow and wake me up before I have time to put a clean dress on the lollypop so it can go to school."
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