We have inherited Mojo. He’s our daughter’s cat, and he knows us and loves us. (I think. You never know with a cat.) My point is – he is grown and already had his habits before he moved in, and we are learning what they are.
For several nights, after the house got quiet and I was almost asleep, I heard something like a cat collar clinking against Mojo’s water bowl or food bowl. Mojo doesn’t have a collar, though, so I lay awake wondering what he is doing. There’s no use getting out of bed and going to the kitchen to observe, because he’ll scamper. After all, he IS a cat.
Could kitty cat food pellets sound like a metal collar dinging against a ceramic bowl? Not likely. Maybe one bowl’s moving when he’s eating, hitting against the other bowl. But the bowls are heavy enough that they don't slide when he eats. So that's not likely either.
Then he finally did it while I was in the kitchen one morning. Mojo was batting at the water bowl and running his paw around the rim, shaking the bowl and jostling the water. I guess he was trying to see where the surface of the water was before sticking his nose down in the bowl. He kept doing it, like he didn’t get it the first time.
Oh well. He IS a cat!
He is simply stirring the water to get to the fresh stuff without dust or cat hair that gets on the surface. He is a little weirdo. I did raise him after all lol