I told them I would tell them the rest of the story myself. Truthfully, my idea didn't go over and the final result wasn't too memorable. But this is what I did anyway. I let them stand up and move around after 1/2 hour of watching TV. (I'm not completely stupid.) Then I told the story of how Moses ("Mo" in the movie) and the Israelites fled from Egypt and crossed the Red Sea, and God made the sea open up for them. (This was the "Big Exit" from Egypt, which the movie represented as some place in the Wild West where the Israelite slaves had been digging the Grand Canyon.) The point I was trying to make was that it wouldn't have happened if it had been left up to Moses, and that it was a God-sized miracle.
They didn't get it. One little girl kept asking, "When are we going to watch the rest of 'Mo and the Big Exit'?" This was the point at which I decided to stick with leading adult Bible studies from now on.
Maybe the end result wasn't quite the lesson I wanted to teach, but I sure as heck wasn't about to let them leave that class thinking the Veggies crossed Death Valley on a magical bridge of snow! Good grief!
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