Let’s see. October. Spring forward, fall back.
Sunday and Monday went fine, but Tuesday morning I got up early and did some paperwork, cleaned up the kitchen, showered, ate breakfast, glanced at the clock and - Wow! The morning was just starting. This was great! Nancy was coming at 2:00, so I still had plenty of time to run errands and get back for a quick sandwich.
I hit the gas station and grocery store. Why was my watch showing 8:15? Oh yes. Daylight Savings time. I must have set it back instead of forward. (Somehow, I had reversed my understanding of “spring forward, fall back.”) That meant it was really 10:15. Didn’t seem quite right, but hey, who’s arguing? I still had time to go to the drug store and bank.
All finished with my errands, I looked at the car clock. 12:30. Hmmm. I knew I hadn’t reset that one yet. I’d better go ahead and push that little hour button one hour forward to 1:30. Oh my gosh! I needed to get home quick before Nancy got there at 2:00.
At home fifteen minutes later, the kitchen clock showed 11:45. I did reset it Sunday, didn’t I? I decided to check my cell phone. It’s the one clock I can rely on. OK. It really was 11:45. I had plenty of time before 2:00. I put away the groceries, made chicken salad, and had a great lunch.
The doorbell rang. I looked at the kitchen clock. It was almost 1:00. Nancy? I had forgotten we had changed the appointment to 1:00. I looked at my watch again - 8:15. I finally realized it wasn’t moving.
The next day I got a new watch battery. I thought it was interesting that the guy that replaced it set my watch one hour ahead. And he didn’t even know me!
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