I picked
Susan up after work for our hair appointments. She asked if we could stop for fast
food. Sure. We started talking and
fifteen minutes later she reminded me that she was hungry. We continued talking, but when I took the
exit and Susan observed that there was no restaurant at that exit, she reminded
me –emphatically – that she was hungry!
I tried to get back to the highway to go to the McDonald’s I
could see in the distance. But I started
talking again and found myself at a dead end.
“What’s this?” I exclaimed. Susan said she had been wondering what the___ I was doing.
A dozen cars were ahead of us at McDonald’s. I offered to go somewhere else but Susan
said, “Just get in line.” After getting food,
I told her that I had learned my way around this town the other day and I
thought I knew a short cut. She rolled
her eyes. Turns out, my shortcut gave
her plenty of time to devour her milkshake, two burgers, and a coke.
I’ve got to let Susan do the driving on our next
Mother/Daughter day. That way I can still
talk, but we won’t get lost.
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