My dear daughter must have been out to lunch when God passed out the patience genes.
For example, once we were casually discussing buying a condo, and she had it completely furnished before the conversation was over.
So when we decided many weeks ago to change our sales approach at our business and asked her if she would like to work in Wilmington, she had a new apartment rented at Carolina Beach before the week was out.
Five or six weeks ago, she picked a weekend to move her furniture and reserved a U-Haul. Two weeks later she learned that the two able bodies who said they'd help her move couldn't do it that weekend.
We moved a lot when she was growing up. Each time, she picked out the house before we did. When we finally moved (to the one we picked out), she had her boxes unpacked and her bedroom in order within about two hours after touching down. Should've timed that. It might have made the Guinness Book of World Records.
She can wrap and pack a 32-piece place setting of china before you can bat an eye. And then she can lift the box! All 110 pounds of her! Furthermore, if her helpers don't show up when she wants them to, she can move all of her furniture alone.
Now we are ready to change our phone carrier and our system for answering calls at work. This includes a new cell number for Susan. As we began comparing prices and the pros and cons of using various carriers, she was already asking, "Can I change my number now?" We picked the carrier and before we had even cancelled the old one, I heard, "When can I change my number?"
And yes, she counts lots of chickens before they hatch. But then, it's good to have an optimist around! An impatient optimist.
Maybe its just me ... but somehow I have trouble understanding how someone (all 110 lbs. "of her") relaxing on the beach in Wilmington, with a laptop, a cell phone (new number), probably an Ipod, and possibly a beverage qualifies that as "working". I did an advanced search of Webster and Random House dictionaries and spent countless hours pouring through the vast resources of the internet and found nothing that remotely suggests this is work. Do you have any openings for a branch office in Miami?