Who moved the 6 on my keyboard!
If you type, you’ll understand this. I got carpal tunnel syndrome. My dear husband finally convinced me that it wasn’t going away on its own. So I bought a fancy ergonomic keyboard, only to find that some smart aleck thought it would be fun to move the 6!
If you type, too, I’m sure you learned on a normal, simple, sane typewriter where the KEYS ARE WHERE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE, and you typed the 6 with the right forefinger. Well, now you've got to type the 6 with your left hand! It throws the whole right hand off-key. That includes numbers 7 through 0 and the symbols ^ & * ( ) _ and +.
It takes a long time to jump from the keyboard to the keypad and back to the keyboard - a lot longer than it does to reach that right forefinger up to the 6. There must be about a Brazillian user names with combinations of letters and numbers.
This blasted ergonomic keyboard is supposed to help, but it’s going to put me in the looney bin. (Some people think that’s all right.)
This blog has been SO hard to type. Too many 6s.
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