
World's Best Salad Dressing

When old friends get together, everyone else might as well vanish because memories are going to be the topic. That's how it came to pass that I found out why my older sister Becky fed me a concoction of spices and vinegar and mayonnaise and ketchup and who knows what else when I was a small, sweet, innocent child. (Ahem.) It's one of those funny childhood incidents that gets told over and over for years. But I didn't know until yesterday that she didn't maliciously plan to make me throw up.

Becky was creating the world's best salad dressing for supper, and she wanted to see if I liked it. She put the spoon to my lips and I gobbled it up. Now I have to explain that I thought my big sister was God's gift to the world. So when she added a little bit of pepper to the mixture and offered me a taste, I gulped it down and smiled faintly. By this time, the world's best salad dressing was losing its importance and the experiment on little sister was taking over. She added some mustard or something, and I ate it. I made a face, but I ate it. She stirred in some vinegar and other things to see how funny my expressions would look and how far I would go before refusing to eat any more. But I ate it every time until she finally discovered what would happen to me. I think something happened to her after Mamma found out about it!

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