I got a new hairdo recently. I look ten years younger! And if you believe that I’ve got some beachfront property to sell you.
I wanted to try a new hairdresser, so when a Groupon for a haircut popped up in the inbox, I bought it. By the luck of the draw, Jonathan drew me. Although he’s a daddy, he’s a mere child from my senior point of view.
Jonathan gave me the best haircut I’ve ever had! So the next time I went to him, I said I wanted it highlighted. He said that’s good. I think he had seen my home-made color one time too many. I came home with color and highlighting and received at least a dozen compliments.
On my third visit, he hugged me. (By now we’re homeys.) I told him that the haircut and coloring he gave me was wonderful, and I had gotten a multitude of compliments on it, however... “Even though it’s beautiful this way, I think that if it were just a tad darker, it would make me look younger.”
Now if I didn’t love this kid so much, his next statement would have put him in the hospital. He said, “The hair isn’t going to do it. It will take botox.”
Out of the mouths of babes…