

The clothes washer, TV and phone went on the blink yesterday.  Is something putting a spell on our mouse hole?  Cat Mojo was emitting a most curious meow.  (The good news is that the little devil didn’t bite me.)

The washer stopped in the spin cycle.  I was able to get it started again by turning it off and on. (It’s a woman thing.)  I picked up the phone to call the repairman, but there was no dial tone so I used my cell.  He said a service call might be premature right now.  He didn’t want to waste my money.  Me either.  He asked me to test it and call him back. 

I called the telephone repair service about the dial tone.  Later the phone rang and the repairman said he was checking to see if my phone was still out.   I said no and thanked him for fixing it.  He said he hadn’t done anything yet.

I turned on the washer to test it, then turned on the TV.  No power.  I tried turning it off and on, and that worked.  (I’m telling you.  You’ve got to listen to a woman!)   I tuned in to the New Age Music channel and settled down to read.  The TV was silent.  Suddely the music started playing, the washing machine kicked off, and Mojo jumped on the bed and meowed at me.

About an hour later we heard a strange noise outside and the clocks in the house beeped and blinked.  It happened two more times.  Mojo disappeared.  If these grimlins don’t go away tomorrow, I might disappear, too!