I’ve lost my cell phone many times and called it to locate it. The other day I found it in my makeup drawer. Obviously a senior moment.
One time I lost my car keys and the thought passed through my mind that I could just dial them up! I wouldn’t have heard them ring anyway, because they were in the garbage can in the garage.
When I’m looking for something, my husband asks, “Where was the last place you saw it?” Does he really think that question will make me think logically? I'm sure I didn't my ear muffs when I put them in the pantry.
My niece Lila has probably never heard the expression, “I’d lose my head if it weren’t attached,” but she’s got the idea already at age three. At the cemetery, her mother told her, “That’s where your great grandmother’s body was buried.” Lila immediately asked, “Where is her head?!”