The irony is that, when this happened yesterday, I was thinking about what to write about for my blog. I got a topic, unfortunately!
I was mopping the kitchen floor, not paying too much attention to what I was doing, when suddenly my legs started sliding apart. I had stepped onto the wet part of the floor for some (now forgotten) reason. My shoes started sliding. It wasn’t fast. I tightened my leg muscles in an effort to stop the impending disaster. Holding on to the mop handle desperately, I fought gravity, but it was a losing battle. I thought, “If I can just fall forwards or backwards, that won’t hurt as bad.” But that didn’t work. My feet kept sliding. As my body got lower and lower and my feet went farther and farther apart, I knew I was headed for a sideways split. I’ve never experienced that before.
I was hollering something or other, as if I thought my husband could get to the kitchen in time to help. What did I think he could do anyway? I would need to yell, “Push me over!” to which he would probably yell, “You’re crazy!”
Before hitting bottom, I managed to fall forward. I got up, to my surprise. My legs still worked. It was a miracle! But the real miracle was that they didn’t hurt when I got up this morning. God is good!
I think I’ll begin ballet lessons next week.