

I went to bed Friday night wondering if I should participate in the neighborhood garage sale Saturday morning beginning at 7 a.m. I had some furniture in the garage to sell, but did I have anything else? Before midnight I had thought of at least twenty more items I could part with, so at 5:30 I dragged George out of bed to help move furniture from the garage to the sidewalk. He kept fussing, "Let's just call Good Will and give it away."

Not being one to take the easy way out, I proceeded with my project and hauled about twenty loads of stuff out of the attic, through the house and garage, and down the driveway. Thank goodness it was all downhill! By 6:30 I was filthy & sweaty, and the crow I was beginning to eat wasn't so good either.

George, sweetheart that he is, insisted on sticking this out and stayed with me on the driveway all morning. But he was still fussing about the furniture not being worth a dime. I said it was worth at least $100 for each piece. He bartered me down to $100 for the two large ones and $50 for the two small ones. Long story short, by the end of the sale, I was down to "Make me an offer." George knew to keep his mouth shut.

Our neighbor took pity on us old folks and helped us haul it back into the garage at noon, at which point I was filthy and sweaty again. We made $38.50, and it took me two showers, the loss of a chance to sleep late on Saturday morning, missing a church picnic, and sore muscles. But it was worth it (I justified to myself) because I got some good photos of the furniture so I can sell it on Craigs List.

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