

Six years in business and we're on our third website. Why? Just masochists, I guess.

The first was when we were "Window Graphics." It was just George and me back then, and he let me handle the details. I worked with the webmaster, and it turned out great. Then we moved and our kids joined the business, and we commenced to create a new website. How many Clarks does it take to screw up a website?!

We hired a web designer. Poor guy didn't have a chance working with a family with three stubbornly opinionated arguers. George, our level headed leader, stayed out of it. The result was a website none of us liked. Except George. I don't remember why now.

Six months ago, Fred (the son in this sometimes dysfunctional mom-and-pop business) spent days, nights, and weekends learning to get into the website and make the changes we wanted. It went well for a while, but he ran into problems. Too many cooks in the kitchen again.

We recently hired a large company to design us a new website. They will give us instructions so we will have the capability of changing our pictures and adding pages to the website ourselves. They say it will be "easy." Hmmmm. Our daughter Susan picked the layout. Fred threw up his hands. George continued to observe quietly. I'm in charge. (And if you believe that, well….)

Wanna know how this turns out? As Howard Garis said in one of his Uncle Wiggily stories, "Well you shall have it if the alarm clock will stop ringing its bell and making the back steps run to the front door."

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