

How, pray tell, can that timer go off and I don’t hear it!  I’m sitting in the kitchen.  I’m cooking a pie crust.  I set the timer.  I smell the pie crust burning.  The timer has gone off while I’m sitting here!

Am I nuts?  I used to hear the timer just fine, then it stopped.  After about ten misses, I updated my internal motor that lies deep in my psyche – you know, that part of the mountain that is under the water and only the top shows - so that it would hear the darn thing and blast a cannon that could be heard at that tiny mountaintop of a brain I have.  It worked for a while.  Now I’m missing the timer again!

Why did I start ignoring the timer?  If I’m going to tune something out, why not my husband?  Why not the telephone?  Why not the snooze alarm?  Maybe because those things will follow up, whereas a timer won’t.  Is this a silent wish that those other things would shut up?

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