

I saw them in a catalog a few years ago and have been waiting until the containers get prettier to buy one. But I caved this year and bought a green plastic hanging container for growing tomato plants upside down. It's so ugly on my deck.

I took this contraption out of the box and tried to put it together the best I could. (Found the instructions a week later under a table.) There was a piece of foam rubber or something that looked like a packing thing, so I tossed it.

I had bought four tomato plants, figuring one of them would live. I maneuvered the thing (with no help from my dear sweet hubby) until I got the dirt in it and the tomato plants hanging out the bottom. Then I hung it on twine. It wasn't high enough to suit me, so when my son was visiting he helped me raise it. He only dropped it once - and yelled out some bad words for the neighbors' grandson to hear. Later I decided that when my tomatoes get large, optimist that I am, that twine might not hold them so I went to Lowe's, bought a chain and re-hung the contraption by myself as my hubby watched TV - which is another whole story.

These plants survived and now have some blossoms on them. I found the instructions last week under a table. The foam rubber thing was supposed to hold the tomato stem and plug up the hole so the plants wouldn't fall out. Oh well. I guess putting four plants in there plugged the hole pretty well anyway. Now what should I do with this big, heavy hook that came in the package?

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