Once upon a time I remember reading about a rich Southern
doctor from North Carolina who had a pet pig named Norma. He carried Norma around in a limosine
equipped with a bar, TV, and VCR. He
treated this pig like a VIP. I saw a
picture of the pig in the newspaper.
This was no piglet. It was a sow!
This is not the way North Carolinians handle their
pigs. Surely this man had to be from
another state (or another state of mind). For North Carolina to be recognized for that was downright embarrassing.
It seems this fellow had a party for that pig and about 300
people came. If that pig had been in my
back yard, and 300 people had been there – well, you know what condition the
pig would have been in! My formula
1 pig + 1 festive crowd = Barbecue