

We used to have a sweetheart of a dog – our lovable old Spooky.  She didn’t understand why in the world a young whipper-snapper of a stray dog came one day and messed up the good deal she had.

I fed Spooky and Diggy together.  Spooky stood over her bowl, her back to Diggy, and leered at him over her shoulder.  She didn’t eat.  She just hovered over her food.

Diggy, having once known what real hunger was, gulped his food down then tried to eat hers.

They were pretty well matched.  Diggy had huge jaws like a hound dog but short legs and a long body, which made him anything but limber.  Spooky had a small mouth, but she had an inch or two over him and years of experience under her belt.  Neither dog ever won the food fight but neither would give up the ritual.

I began to feed them separately.  Diggy was a sloppy eater, so I put his food outside.  I didn’t let him back in until Spooky finished her food.  Spooky was no dummy.  She would go on a fast to keep Diggy outside. 

If you think people are grouchy when they diet, try a fasting dog!

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